Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Happy May Day!

I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel or exactly what I'm supposed to feel. I've been sleeping better. One med that I've got for nausea also cuts anxiety. Thus sleep. Yesterday was long. I didn't feel so good. I don't think I took a deep breath until I went to bed. My breathing muscles ached because I was clenching them all day. I went to lunch with my newcomer's group today. I felt good so I went. It was nice to be outside and seeing friends.

What do you want to know? I have a huge bruise on my arm where the port went in. It's my favorite shade of purple. I didn't take anything for nausea today. And I could still eat. Is this the stuff you want to know?

Nate is in the climbing club. His school has a climbing wall in their gym. He's doing well in school. We're still hopeful that he'll get into the magnet school that Aaron got into for next year. They will look at the roster in June and again in August so he may be chosen. Another God sighting--the school that Nate will go to at our new house was on an all-year round schedule. I was wondering how I could balance two kids with two totally different schedules. It turns out that both boys will be on the exact same schedule. The new school has switched to a traditional schedule like the magnet school.

Thanks for the movie suggestions. No thanks for the tattoo suggestions. Funny, all of you. Lots of love, nancy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy - I think these details are all interesting. I thought I saw that bruise for a second today, so I'm glad you confirmed and now I know why. Please do share your experiences, as much as you care to. It gives me details as to how to pray. I'm around the corner! Love - Tina