Saturday, April 19, 2008


Baseball has sucked me in again. I admit, I'm a baseball fan. It was much nicer when I didn't really care who won. And now, out here in Colorado, I have another team to root for, those Colorado Rockies. Go Tulo! And the big boys of Boston. I'm going to get two decals for my car-the Rocks and the Sox. I wanted to go to a game desperately on Sunday but they are in Houston. Jay said we'd have to get up way early to get there in time.

What's new? I guess I've had my couple conversation stoppers so let's talk about summer. We're going to go the farmer's market every Thursday. The boys can play in the fountain while I buy veggies. I'm probably going to get an annual pass at a reservoir where there's an actual beach with sand. I won't have sun restrictions this summer. Although I've been tanning with a spray on tan. I'm not very good at it. It gags me when I spray so I try to spray fast. And that means I miss places. I'm sure you can picture it. It's not terrible but I need to fill in the white places. The other thing I'm looking at doing is leading a Bible study. We're trying to work out logistics.

I'm going to be helping/editing the women's newsletter at my church. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing but I'll find out soon. I'm also interviewing for helping with the newcomer's class this fall. There are a few gals interested in the position. We'll see where that goes.

Today is supposed to be in the upper 70's. We had snow on Wednesday. Up and down it goes. We're going to meet Juli and the twins at the park and LET THEM RUN! Oh to get out all of the energy! We are tired of being indoors.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Do you recognize truth when you see it? Do you recognize lies when you hear them? How do you judge what is true and pure? How can you know the difference?

I just saw that Oprah is offering a daily lesson on her radio show about the book, A Course in Miracles. There's no truth there. It is billed as "a course in mind training" and is dedicated to "thought reversal." Sounds like brain washing to me. Remember the song "Be careful little ears what you hear?" Everyone wants you to believe what they want. Look at TV, a magazine or the newspaper. They want you to believe their commercials, to buy their products--because you're not good enough. Where are YOU getting your truth from? Just stop and think. Are you swayed by what others think? Are you swayed by TV, magazines or the newspaper? Where do you seek your identity from? (I know that was a dangling participle or some such other grammatical error. But "From where do you seek your identity?" doesn't really sound right.)

Who are you?