Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Do you recognize truth when you see it? Do you recognize lies when you hear them? How do you judge what is true and pure? How can you know the difference?

I just saw that Oprah is offering a daily lesson on her radio show about the book, A Course in Miracles. There's no truth there. It is billed as "a course in mind training" and is dedicated to "thought reversal." Sounds like brain washing to me. Remember the song "Be careful little ears what you hear?" Everyone wants you to believe what they want. Look at TV, a magazine or the newspaper. They want you to believe their commercials, to buy their products--because you're not good enough. Where are YOU getting your truth from? Just stop and think. Are you swayed by what others think? Are you swayed by TV, magazines or the newspaper? Where do you seek your identity from? (I know that was a dangling participle or some such other grammatical error. But "From where do you seek your identity?" doesn't really sound right.)

Who are you?


Blessed&Content said...

Oh-Nancy, that is GOOD! Girl, wow, not too often am I left speechless. Hmmm. . .

From Sue in Rhode Island when we were at Camp Spofford in the silly sinking chairs - I am Lori, daughter of the King.

I am still, wowed by your writing.

The photos on the last blog are beautiful sister. The little pup is so cute. You are beautiul and precious to me!

Sherrie said...
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jbweiser said...

I always thought there is a distinction between truth and fact. Facts are data, truth is the interpretation of the data. It is very difficult to be truly objective in the interpretation of facts - you filter data through your perception, experience, belief system, etc. What is truth to one is not truth to another, no matter what might be said. The best answer for "where to find the truth" is to look at raw data whenever possible and, if not possible, look at reported facts from as many sources as possible. Make up your own mind about the truth based on the facts you have. The more data you have, the more the reality of truth can change (a la Plato's Allegory of the Cave which even goes into the concept of "manufactured truth" by feeding incomplete facts to people)

Selah said...

So true. It is vital to be rooted in truth in our relativistic, confused culture. You know I came to the end of my own wisdom and knowledge and was set free by the Truth. It isn't a philosophy but a Person, not a religion but a relationship.

What a journey you have been on, dear friend.

Write on!
