Thursday, May 24, 2007

The rest of the week

The house is getting packed. We've had lots of help. And Monday is moving day. There's highlights for you. (Nothing more going on today other than taking Taurus out to do his duty.)

This time around I have what's officially called "chemo-brain." It's hard to describe. I was warned that it may happen-not by the doctor but by Stacy, Nate's teacher. I've been more out of it. I forgot the directions to a store. I had/have trouble processing what people were telling me. They'd be talking and I'd still be on the first part of the first sentence. It does seem to be passing. The doc said that if I got more rest it should be better, that it was related to tiredness. It seems more than tiredness.

Tuesday we got the carpets cleaned at the new house. I watched those Alfred Hitchcock movies I was going to watch during a treatment. Well, they were the worst. I couldn't even follow them. (Another chemo-brain thing.) I thought a good mystery could occupy me. The only way I knew what was going on was because I read the blurb on the box. They were the only ones we had to watch for three hours while the carpets were done.

Yesterday I had to go see the doc. I thought I had thrush. Remember? It's what babies get. I can get it because my immune system is depressed. I got a culture so we'll se if it really is or not. Or it could just be a change in my mouth from the chemo. Side effects...

On the way home, we found a great meat market/deli called Fred's Meats and a fruit & vegetable store. It's on Holly between Parker Rd. and First for those of you in town. We bought a couple salads, dips and cheese. There was fresh bread. We also got to sample some salads. Which I'm sure made us buy them.

I'll be putting more pics on in a few days. Here's something to tickle your funny bone--I was rubbing my mostly bald head without my hat on and Nate says, "You look like a motorcycle rider without hair. You should have tattoos to go along with your bike." Again with the tattoos! And what bike exactly?


Blessed&Content said...

The "bike" like I want to ride. Vrrooomm, harley davidson -

Unknown said...

Don't you remember that you have that chopper in the garage? Nathan cracks me up. Where does he come up with these things?

Have a peaceful Memorial Day....

Love you,

Unknown said...

yeah, well I MISS YOU. love reading all of this, it's like you're still here. I showed Mads your pic, 'hey, I know her right?' damn right you do kiddo! love to you biker girl.

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy,

Wishing you wellness, health and joy. Wish you were here - we're in the pool. Hugs and kisses Roni, Nagle's, Sousa's.....

Love you,
Meredith, Roni, Sousa family, Nagle family and Susannne....

Blessed&Content said...

Good Morning Nancy,

so this weekend was a good one for motorcycle riding! Would you like a blue and silver harley? Kevin may be selling his. . . missing you. Trying, trying to learn His ways and thoughts are higher than ours!

Love you,

Jodi said...

Bike??1 Where DOES Nate come up with that?! Who knows how kids get things in their heads.

Ya know, this week is jam packed at work and I have brain freeze quite often. And NO good excuse. I just tell the 20-yr-olds who work here: "Just WAIT til you get older!" Heehee...

OK, more later. So glad you're feeling better and you're in the new place. :)

Love you,