Monday, May 7, 2007

The haircut

So Friday came and my friend, Laurie cut my hair. I had a moment or two of angst. I've had my hair a long time. And without it, it's a little more evident that something medical is going on. We scissor cut it first. Buzzing it felt kind of nice. When Jay got home, Aaron said, "Look at Mom, she has a boy haircut!" He seems to be catching on a little more. After the first surgery, he asked, "Mom are you done going to the doctor?" We told him no of course. As he hears words on TV (Tony Snow & Elizabeth Edwards in the news), he'll say, "Mom you have chemotherapy." Or "You have cancer." He also said one day during homework, "I could write 'My mom has cancer' but I don't want to write that sentence.

Did you see Ted Koppel's show on Discovery, Living With Cancer? It was enlightening. Try to catch it. They'll be airing it again. Here's a link: I haven't seen the collage because it's just a little too close for me to look at them now. But it reminded me that I've had this feeling of being BREAST CANCER who's name is nancy. I am still Nancy who happens to have a crappy disease that is quite curable for me. Again-no cancer in my lymph nodes is huge.

Back to the hair. Sleeping was different. Saturday morning, I decided I wasn't leaving the house at all. Do I really need to go anywhere, ever? By the afternoon, we decided to go get some pizza and go to the store. It wasn't so bad. But some people stare. Some ignore me pointedly. It's like, don't think of pink elephants but that's all you can think of. Every man thinks, "That could be my wife-sister-mom" and every woman thinks, "That could be me." Ted Koppel put it so well, "Life is terminal. We will all die some day." Another truth is that we all have something that we need to deal with, this cancer is my something.

Are you trying to picture me with a boy haircut? I'm working on some pictures. Just stay tuned...


Jodi said...

You know, Aaron comes up with some great comments. And he sure is observant! Just think - having matching haircuts could be the new trend instead of matching Tshirts...! Oh, to be a trend-setter!

Nancy, I love your sense of humor and I see it CLEARLY in this blog. So even on your really bad days, you're inspiring all of us.

Hope that helps.
Keep on keeping on...! :)
Love you!

Unknown said...

You are inspiring. You take life the way it should be taken. thinking of you. Maddy says HI!!!

Unknown said...

I love you Nancy! My heart is smiling right now because of your strength and courage.


Blessed&Content said...

Hi Nancy,

just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. You are on my mind and I can hear you saying the words as I read them. I love you and pray for our God to stregthen you. Love you, Lori

Blessed&Content said...

"I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strenghtens me" Phil. 4:13 -- Nancy can do everything through him who gives Nancy strength.

Shout it out loud because God's word is true. Your King and Savior will supply all your needs.

"I have told you these things, so that in me, you-Nancy, may have peace. In this world there will be many trials but take heart! I have overcome the world" Jesus, John 16:33.