Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6

You're probably wondering where I've been. Or not. My Mom came on the 31st. We hosted a New Year's Day brunch. It was alot of fun. I think we'll do that next year also. And you're all invited! We had BBQ pulled pork mini-sandwiches, quiche (of course!), chips & dip, vegies, cookies, cole slaw, cheese & crackers. And Kathy's baked french toast with Pannettone bread which is a citrus-y kind of bread with dried fruit in it. Excellent for french toast.

Too many interruptions--more later...


Blessed&Content said...

Hi Nancy! - that's a big commitment saying we are all invited next year! Do you know how many people that could be??? Happy New Year. I am so glad 2007 is over! I still check your blog everyday; re-reading about the cookies, parties etc. I miss you and hope 2008 has less insurance hassles, no toliet jams, and more birthday parties for your boys. I pray your health will get stronger each day and your spiritual life grow deeper in Christ. love you much.

Sherrie said...

it was a great new year's brunch and we look forward to next year! thank you so much nancy and crew :)