Saturday, September 1, 2007

6 left!

I am so glad school has started. Although I love summer, I am tired of being a referee. We didn't have a nice, active summer that kept the boys so busy they never had a moment to fuss at each other. Sounds idyllic. In fact, we've never had just such a summer. Maybe some day...

The recliner for radiation would be a huge improvement. I'll recommend it! But it has to be able to raise up, move left to right, etc. That huge radiation machine (I'm sure it has a very complicated name but I don't know it) sounds like it needs some WD-40. It's a bit unnerving as I lie under it and it's squeaking. Good news is that I have 6 more to go!

We are off to go ride a trolly and see a reptile petting zoo. I know-reptile petting zoo? I won't be petting anything today. Nate on the other hand--he'll touch them all!


Blessed&Content said...

NO, I don't think I would be petting anything today either. I wouldn't be getting within 50 feet of many things at that zoo!

skoglund said...

My boys will be so jealous! Let us know where you went.... We need to get a lunch date on the calendar now that the boys are in school. Love ya! Lori