Monday, August 27, 2007

Aug. 27; #2

OK. I meet with the nurse and doctor (radiation oncologist) every Monday. My doc is on an Alaska cruise with his family. So I saw the other guy today. That's not what's important. What's important is that when I told the nurse I was nauseous today and several other days last week, she asked, "Are you pregnant?" First I laughed. Then I laughed some more because I was fixed when Aaron was born. I told her I'd need some divine intervention if I was going to get pregnant.

I also got some gel pads for my underarm from the nurse. It was hurting in the night. Those pads are great. My underarm feels so much better.

Not really sure why the nausea. But I ate fine for dinner. More later--much more later...


Blessed&Content said...

Hey Nancy,

Thanks for all the updates. I am exhausted a lot lately, not really sure why. I've been to the doctor's every week trying to find the cause. But the Lord gave me the strength to share Em's testimony on Sunday. . .go figure?! Tomorrow is the first day of school for my boys. Summer went by too fast! I am so looking forward to the end of October. Love you, Lori

Blessed&Content said...

Hey Nancy,

So why don't they have nice barcaloungers instead of metal tables that are 67 degrees cold for your treatments? Off to battle the public school system today.

Love you.

Blessed&Content said...


The wanted to put in a straight jacket at the meeting!


Blessed&Content said...

how many treatments left? Getting a break for the holiday?

marion said...

Nancy, Ned showed me how to sign up for comments. Well, actally, he did it all.I love your blog, but not for the reason you started.Keep up hte good fight, good atitude, and good writing. See you all soon. Love, Marion