Saturday, August 11, 2007

12 done, 21 to go

Hooray for you gals who have gotten your mammograms or who have scheduled them! It's been a busy week. I know it's a scary prospect but necessary. Putting it off doesn't change the need.

Last Saturday we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo which is south of Colorado Springs. The best part of the zoo is feeding the giraffes. The raised walkway puts you eye to eye with them. They have long, twirly, black tongues. Here's the live giraffe cam:

We also found a movie theater where you can eat lunch or dinner there and watch a movie. We saw Surf's Up. It was pretty good. Someday I'll be able to watch movies other than kids movies.

We also went to a hot springs pool. It's about an hour from us. We just swam in the large pool. They have lots of other options but not whith the boys. I'm not paying for them to get a mud wrap when they get into all kinds of dirt in other places.

For now, life is moving along normally. This week is the last before the boys go to school. We have two open houses to go to Thursday since they will be in different schools. Unless of course Nate does get into Challenge school. That's my prayer.

That's all for now-nancy


Blessed&Content said...

I will be praying for Nate to get into the Challenge school. Sounds like a pretty exciting summer week of fun. Church today was preety exciting. I was in Bar Harbor, Maine last week and went to a sunset service on top of Cadillac Mountain - that was outstanding. They asked if anyone had ideas for a closing song from their book - well, of course I did, I shouted "All in All" It turly was heavenly the sunset and singing worship to God. MMMM, peace ran through my soul. I love you and miss you.

Unknown said...

I'm jealous - the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and hot springs!!!! You just brought me back to April vacation. My brother was in CO last month and showed us some beautiful photos of the mountains. Ahh, nothing like Colorado. Enjoy the rest of summer vacation and give my love to all!!!
Love you,

Jodi said...

I've got my fingers, legs, arms and toes crossed that Nate gets into Challenge School. I know he'd thrive there.

The zoo and hot springs sound F-U-N!! You've told me about the giraffes before - bet the boys loved that! You too, huh??

Hey, I just realized you're more than halfway through radiation!! What a great milestone...

More later.
Just wanted to say hi!
Love you!