Saturday, June 16, 2007

Something Real

So I've gone on about how surreal this whole thing is. Breast cancer, an oncologist, this port in my arm, radiation later... you've heard it already. Below is the real stuff and you may want to skip these details. Reader discretion advised.

Here's the real stuff: my taste buds die on my tongue for about a week following treatment. Doc asks if food tastes different. Not really, only coffee. That's a crime. It does end up feeling like I chewed chalk. Not like Tums, like white chalk from school. My intestines don't quite know what to do. That's real. Real slow or real fast. And how about the messed up monthlies. Doc told me I wouldn't have it and I seem to have it more. Hmm. I guess I got too excited about the prospect of nothing. I also have hives. Not from the treatments. I think it started from getting sunscreen in my eyes that hyped up my histamines that led to soap sensitivity. Washed hands with antibacterial soap and spread it all over. It went away and came back. I got a steroid from the doctor to deal. Benadryl wasn't working. That's all for now.

1 comment:

cheri_8182 said...

I was reading about your hives... Keith gets them too, but they're stress-induced. The only thing that helps them to go away is to seriously chill or to have a really nice cocktail :)


PS: LOVE the blue hair!