Thursday, March 6, 2008

Let's talk politics

Uh-oh--politics. Barack or Hillary? McCain? I'm a registered Independent. That's code for "I don't like any of my choices." I haven't liked any presidential candidates for a long time. I don't feel any affinity towards either party. In fact, the last person I voted for with confidence that I remember was Bill Clinton in his first term. It's down hill from there. I've abstained from voting for president when I didn't like either candidate.

That brings me to learning about the candidates. Where can you find the truth or the facts that aren't skewed? Each person's website spins it in their favor. Even FOX news and CNN seem particularly biased. My Dad sent me a government site that tracks congress and how members voted: You can find out how the senators have voted over time. There's lots of other info there.

How are you making your decision about voting? I'm already tired of hearing bits and pieces. McCain's 100 years in Iraq: We've been in Japan and Korea for 50-60 years. His point was that our servicemen and women are safe there. It's the casualties that are upsetting to everyone. He clarified his position and said it would be fine to be in Iraq so long as our people are safe. It's the idea of maintaining a presence to maintain peace. It is a drag when words are taken out of context and misinterpreted. Here's a clip:

And Obama being Muslim. We looked that up over the weekend. The point: misinformation abounds. We did find that he is a member of a Christian church and has been for about 12 years. He attended both Muslim and Catholic schools. The take-away is that just because he attends a Christian church, does that make him a Christian? did attendance at a Muslim school make him Muslim? or attendance at a Catholic school make him Catholic? And so--does anyone know what Hillary is? I'll look later.


Jodi said...

My question is: it's America, right? Do we or do we not have freedom of religious worship? If a candidate doesn't worship the same denomination (is that the right word?) than you, does that make him (or her) a bad person or candidate? Would a Jewish candidate automatically be off the table because s/he's Jewish vs Baptist or Methodist or Mormon?

So I guess hearing that someone is Muslim does not bother me in the least. Just like hearing that someone doesn't even go to church would not bother me. I'm not a religious person, and do not go to churc myself, and consider myself a good person. I guess the less fanatical a person is the better. I know a few fanatical Catholics (personally) that I would NOT want as president.

Oh well... just my opinion. The whole Muslim thing with Obama is bent out of shape, AND not true, to boot. The media is not a good place to get objective info, either. I completely agree! I will be glad when the election is over so we can move on... I do want Hillary to win because I like her perspective on the issues and think she's extremely qualified. But next November will tell the tale, huh...

Gotta go.
More later,

Sherrie said...

I think politics and religion are very interesting ... but unfortunately I think the former makes the latter less reliable :(

What I mean by that is I believe that most politicians are more interested in power / success / control / fame / fortune / protection / recognition than anything and as a result everything else gets filtered into what is "right" to achieve their hopeful demographic support.

Thus, Barrack Hussein Obama could believe and be a muslim but he may have decided that it is not a politically expedient characteristic. Hillary Clinton could be a non-believer but have concluded that also is not politically expedient position. McCain could be a fighting fundamentalist christian but have decided that is not a politically expedient stance. They may all actually NOT believe in anything spiritual outside themselves (i.e., God") and only believe in doing "the best" as they see/define the best. Although Kennedy claimed to be a catholic I believe he was well known for his regular trysts with women who weren't his wife. I suppose we could go on and on and on and on. Who of them is faithful? Who is true? Who believes in the concept of right and wrong in the face of wrong feeling good?

I understand wanting to know the candidates spiritual beliefs, because as we try to search out how effectively people will lead the country it would be comforting to know a lot more than we ever get to know. And for those of us who believe that our universe didn't come from nothing, that everything around us reveals an intelligent designer (just as the honda in my garage reveals an engineer and manufacturer), and that if 'god' exists he would choose to reveal himself to us -- and have thus tested & concluded that the bible's claims are real, it seems like it would provide comfort to know that we had a leader who believes that our decisions have greater implications than ourselves and that there is a plan in effect that is bigger than this quarter or four-year election cycle.

However, I think that although every president has professed faith in God as revealed in the bible of the old and new testaments, I unfortunately don't think by-and-large this professed faith has included obedience to God's truth and/or translated into godly character.

I really worry about politicians ~ especially on the national stage. I wonder if there are any who are self-less and serving -- I wonder actually if surviving in the political environment is completely contrary to being self-less and serving ?? I worry about ALL of them ...

And I'm not even a cynic!

Love you my friend,