Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday, December 5

Finally, she writes again, you say. I can't give every gory detail. Every thought or everything I do. I know that's what you want. When you feel like you're in crisis, you just can't write about it.

We got back from MA and Nate had a time of it. He acted out in school and that was my clue that something was going on. We decided to get him back to the counselor. He said over and over-I only have one friend in CO. That isn't exactly true. He did get invited to a birthday party last Saturday which came at the right time even if it was a crazy busy day. We also went with his class to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. He sat with a friend. Small things but they matter. He does seem more grounded this week. But a day at a time. It's hard to be somewhere where you don't feel like you have any one to talk to.

I am feeling OK but have more hot flashes. Tamoxifen isn't so noticable otherwise. I have to remember to take it. So I got one of those pill boxes with the days of the week on it. Nice. It's purple. What am I, an old buzzard that I can't remember? I even carry it with me in case I forget. Oh ya. The full effects of it ought to be felt after I've taken it for a month.

A few weeks ago, Big Lots had a small sewing machine for $12. I got it. Then Juli was trying to find a babydoll for Hailey made somewhere else than China. Some doll with no lead, please. She had trouble so I got this bright idea (it WAS!) to sew a babydoll for Hailey. I mean, I have this little sewing machine, why not try it? Off we go to the fabric store. Found a pattern. Figured out what fabric and notions I needed and made a babydoll in a few days. She's really cute. Except that I did far more hand sewing than I wanted because the little sewing machine didn't work right. I took it back and will put my $12 towards a regular, basic, tabletop machine. At which time may start making babydolls. We went to a huge craft fair. Not a doll in sight but the ones used for display. I could make dolls all year and go to this one craft fair and, and, and... I got carried away. Yet it would be something because we had a hard time finding anything on-line as well. Hmmm. Worth some more thought. The sewing machine could be a business write off. I'd call the business "Hailey's Babies." Or "Hailey's Babydolls." The only problem I see with names like that is that if you googled it, you might get some questionable sites back.

And so the rest of life here is filled with laundry. Straightening up. Cooking to a complaining audience. Boys arguing (don't look at me or you're smiling at me or you're breathing too loud). But the other night Jay told them to either settle down or go to bed. They didn't settle, and off to bed they went. That was the quietest evening I've had at home in ages. Taurus and I have been walking. We've had some good weather for it. Back to the weather--gotta end.


Jodi said...

Thanks for the update. I was just thinking about the tamoxifan the other day, so I'm glad you mentioned it.

Barb's kids top the bickering benchmark. Sam once complained that his sister was looking out his window (in the car). Geez....

Anyway, glad you had at least one quiet evening lately!!!

Can't wait to see everyone (and experience everything in person!)...

Happy Ho Ho,

MBZ said...

We told my kids about The Arm of Doom. TAOD used to appear on long car trips when I was a kid and the 3 of us were bickering in the backseat.

First, Dad warned us verbally. "Stop that bickering and sit quietly!"

Yeah, that lasted 30 second.

Then he'd yell, "I don't care who started it!"

And finally, The Arm of Doom would appear, just swiping the backseat and aiming for anything it its path. We didn't wear seatbelts (hey, it was the mid-70s) so we'd duck and giggle and pray we didn't get caught by The Arm of Doom.

But it did work! LOL

I hope Nate adjusts more and that things smooth out--enjoy the holidays!

