Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday again

Those days just keep repeating themselves...

I went to the dentist today. Just for a cleaning. The hygenist used this water-drill-tooth cleaner thing. It sounded like a drill. It splashed a mist of water all over. The water dripped down my face. I actually didn't like how my make-up went on this morning anyway. And then I called a friend whose boys did the message on their answering machine. It was hilarious. I think you had to be there but it was funny. They told me I was getting sleepy and that I should tell them a joke. I couldn't even think of one that fast. And my eyes watered so my make-up ran. (Where did it run to?) I think I'm just delirious from the drill sound. There was still scraping but it didn't take quite so long.

Baseball, baseball, baseball. It's all over. It was so much fun talking about the Rockies playing the Red Sox. Until the pounding began. I wanted them both to win. Ridiculous, I know. It's still pretty amazing that the Rockies made it to the world series after being in last place at the beginning of the season. Nate's suffered some teasing about his Red Sox gear. I'm sure he's teased back though.

I have to start that tamoxifen. I've read about all I can read. I talked to the nurse. I'm still not so sure about it. Why is that? Maybe I feel like I have some sort of choice. Not really. The numbers he gave me at the beginning of all of this included the tamoxifen treatment. I'm around 91% done with this breast cancer thing as long as I take the tamoxifen. So there's a 9% chance it comes back at 10 years out. Just can't seem to make it right in my mind.

I had my hair debut in Massachusetts. I went to my old bible study without a wig and without a hat. I am so glad to be done with wigs. Although Aaron & Nate aren't so sure. Aaron still wants me to wear my wig if I have to go into his school. I hate to tell him but I'm so done! I'm going in on Thursday to volunteer to teach the kids about drugs and alcohol. It's their Red Ribbon Week signifying drug and alcohol prevention. For those of you snickering, I have to learn to teach my boys about it sometime. And just because I made some bad decisions in the past, doesn't mean I can't teach the boys about the right decisions to make. I figure I might as well learn to teach others' children first.

I'm sitting here wondering why I have a headache. Well, I just went to the dentist. I'm off to go get some ibuprofen. Be blessed! Love, nancy


Jodi said...


I have to make a dentist appointment soon. Can't wait to see if they drill me. HA!

I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving. I plan to eat, nap, eat, nap and repeat. That's the plan anyway...

Thanks for the update, as always. I say if Tamoxifan helps reduce the cancer coming back, that's an easy decision. Well, it's easy for me because it's not happening to me, huh? Anyway, I'm sure you'll do what you think is best...

More later.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessed&Content said...

Hey Nancy,
Well it's Tuesday again... Tuesday's really are the worst of the week for me. I love Sunday's but I sure would love to skip right over Tuesdays! Bad news, ALWAYS a long day - starts at 7 a.m. don't get home till after 7 p.m. and I am a "stay at home mom!" Send me to a job so I can earn money!! I heard a really good line from a pastor recently:

instead of giving someone 'a piece of your mind, why don't you try giving them a piece of your heart?'

Though one for me lately. O-well. Waiting for Jesus, very impatiently. :) Could use a silly sinking chair to cast away my cares. I miss you and love you! Keep up the fight, vengence is the Lords. We are more the conqueors!