Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday; July 25

Here's a little soap boxing: Did you (or your girlfriends or your wives) get a mammogram yet? Get it done! It is scary when you don't know what you might find. However, if something is there, it's better to find it sooner than later. Breast cancer is very treatable.

Got the port out last Wednesday. It didn't bruise as much as when it was put in. It was still unpleasant. I don't like lidocaine. It stings and burns going in. Then the doc didn't put enough in so when he was stitching up the incision, I could feel about half of it. It's over.

I'll see my oncologist now in three months. I'll see him every three months for three years. That's alot of appointments. I see the surgeon every three months, too. I'm not sure for how long.

I went to Ohio for a high school friend's wedding reception. Karen and Chip were married July 6 in the mountains. They live in Virginia. Karen's family is in Ohio and all of us high school friends have family there or live there. It was so great to see everyone. How blessed we are to have these friends!


Blessed&Content said...

O.K. well, here it is. . .my last mammo was in 2005. I have been getting cards to come in and get another one done, especially with my family history. You know all those appointments and insurance issues - it gets very overwhelming. I just want Jesus to come now. O.K.???? Not sounding too blessed and content, heh. But that I am, Whether I have much or little. But please Jesus come soon!

Unknown said...


I'm so happy you went to Ohio and had a great time. I was thinking of you throughout the weekend. It must of been refreshing to get away and catch up with old friends

Don't you worry about me and mammograms - I'm getting one yearly no matter what. My next one is already scheduled for April 2008.

We're off to NH for a couple of weeks and I want to catch up with you. I'll call you before we go away - leaving Saturday...

Love you,

Jodi said...


Glad you had fun in Ohio. You sure picked good weather (unless you brought it with you!). I'm sure it was a nice break and change of scenery for you.

I will be scheduling my yearly mammogram this summer. No worries - I will go once a year. You won't have to remind me. Living vicariously through you has been motivation enough...

Nothing exciting going on here. Just wanted to say hi!! :)
Love you,