Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday; July 9

Last week, Monday and Tuesday were just teasers. I felt blah the rest of the week. That's not how it went the other times. Usually I would feel blah the first 5 or so days after chemo. Anyway, I got impatient because I was hoping to just feel good and not bad. Better over the weekend and today. Although I did have blood drawn today and one of the numbers was low. That's why I'm not feeling as good. And "blah" is an official term. This is the low point in the chemo timeline and I should be feeling better soon.

Is there any conversation you'd like to start? Any discussions you'd like to have? I could give you an update on the hives. They are mostly gone. Except when my skin is dry, I scratch itchy spots and they come back. About those hairs left on my head: a friend suggested I wax them. Uh, no. But I might shave them with a razor and shaving cream.

It looks like I'll start radiation July 25. I'll find out next Tuesday for sure. I called to find out if I'd start in July. Our health insurance changes Aug. 1. As long as I've started treatment, the new insurance will allow me to keep this doctor and pay it as in-network even if this doctor is in their out-of-network list. I'm already established with this doctor but I wanted to make sure. I found out the insurance is changing the same day I found out I bounced two checks. I was only $19 overdrawn. The bank did pay them but still charged me. The clue I had was when my balance was less than the deposit I had made. Oh well. It's only money. To quote Jay.

Talk to you soon, nancy


Blessed&Content said...

Hi Nancy,
Yeah, it's only money but that is a pretty frustrating experience. Did you call the bank and try and get your charges reversed? Did you tell them everything that was going on and how you have chemo brain? They should give you back your service fees. I will call them for you with a three-way phone call. I can be pretty persuasive! Ask Kevin. Have you visited the harley place yet? Tattooed your head? Shaved your head after your legs?? Shine the head and be couragous! Do not fear for our God is with you always. The bible says Do not fear 365 times. one for each day. miss you and love you girlfriend. hope today is a good day.

Jodi said...


Sounds like you're feeling better - so glad to hear it. I'm back from Vancouver and catching up on sleep slowly... Good trip, glad I went. Hassles traveling to and fro, but I'm intact so not complaining!

Can't WAIT to see you and the boys (including Taurus), the new house, and everything else. Labor Day is not that far away. Scary.

Anyway, just saying hi.
Love you,

Gwen C. said...

Hey Nancy,
It was great seeing you on Wed. night. Hope you are feeling better today than at the beginning of the week. Were you able to get your charges reversed? We experienced a similar situation in the past, and luckily, the bank was understanding, and reversed our charges since we showed a clean record. GOD IS GOOD!
Funny how you mentioned waxing. My son just told me that I needed to do a wax job on my "mustache". I'm telling you - never a dull moment with a teen in the home. Anyway, remember that fear diminishes, but peace increases as we focus our heart on Him. May you find rest in His arms today.

Jmurphy said...

Hi Nancy,

Just getting your updates to see how you are doing. I'm glad you're hanging in there. I'll be praying for you. fyi - Ed just got diagnosed with "chronic hives" - he is itchy, he scratches, hives appear. They say generally goes away after 6 months, no cause really known. Could be stress-related.

Have a good rest of the summer!

Take care,