Wednesday, April 25, 2007


In an effort to reduce phone calls, e-mails and to limit me talking about all this, I've created this blog. Unfathomable. Blogs, tattoos and plastic surgeons. I don't have a plastic surgeon but will get a couple of dot tattoos for radiation. It has been hard to hear your reactions when I tell you things. I'm not talking to anyone in particular. It's just hard to make these calls. It's alot to take in. I'm trying to conserve energy. Don't take it personally.

Here's the latest:
Chemotherapy starts this Friday. It's minimal. I thought I'd be going for 8 months, once a week. I don't know why. My schedule is to go once every 21 days for 4 chemo sessions. I'll be done at the end of June. Dr. Paul, my oncologist, made it sound like I had a choice. If I chose not to do chemo, there is a 19% chance it comes back in 10 years. If I do chemo, there's only about a 9.5% chance it comes back. There's no absolutes. These percentages are based on a genetic test done in California on the two lumps or tumors.

Radiation will be done about 4-6 weeks after chemotherapy ends. I will do 25-35 sessions, over a period of 5-6 weeks, daily minus weekends and holidays. Small price to pay to insure the cancer's gone.

I expect my hair to fall out. I'm going to get hats and some hair. I'll cut it before it goes away in clumps. There are meds to take care of other possible side effects (i.e., nausea, anemia, infection, etc.). It's actually quite complicated. But it's all written down. If this happens, do this. If that happens, do that. I need a flow chart. Doc says it's important for me to maintain my normal routine, but I'll be tired and otherwise don't know quite what to expect or know what I'll need.

Some good news is a normal blood pressure reading at the radiologist's... and I haven't had a normal one for a long time. No surprise there. Of course, when I had it taken at the oncologist's, it wouldn't read correctly the first two times so that made it higher. It's an automatic, squeeze-your-arm-until-it-feels-like-you-can't-breathe, blood pressure monitor. Now I'm not sure how they'll take it. I'll get a port in my left upper arm and my right arm had the lymph node taken out. No blood draws or BPs in the right arm.

Other news is that we found a house. You know, because having cancer isn't stressful enough. We'll close on May 15 and have until June 15 to move.

Some God-sightings: The Lord provided a dentist within minutes of my prayer. The oncologist said I can't have dental work, even cleanings, while on chemo. I needed to get my teeth cleaned within three weeks. My experience in scheduling cleanings is that it takes months. I phoned one dentist in the same medical center that our doctor and the boys' dentist are in. Someone had cancelled a 2 hour appointment, and they took me within 20 minutes of my call. And she even said my gums look great!! It's nice to get good news! Second God-sighting: Yesterday I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at all the info I got from a nurse teaching me about the chemo sessions. I'm not nervous, it's just so much to take in. As I was driving, I prayed, "God, you better make a way for me because I'm not sure." Within minutes, I pulled behind a truck with this bumper sticker: "Don't worry. God's in Control." There are no coincidences.

How do I feel? Like I'm living a surreal life. I feel normal. Yes, I had surgery. But I'm mostly recovered. I know that the chemo will probably make the cancer seem more real. Never had symptoms, never felt anything. Even the surgeon said she couldn't feel it.

We had a snow storm yesterday. More expected today. I'm down to talking about the weather-time to go. love, nancy


jbweiser said...

Just know that everyone is here to support you, blogs, tattoos and all.

Love ya - Jay

Unknown said...

What next Nancy? Body piercing??? We love you no matter what and will see you soon.


RickMerrill said...

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Jodi said...

Love the blog idea, love you. All of us are behind you all they way. No matter what. So there!


Jodi said...

Forgot to say - I think the next time I'm in Denver we should do a body piercing field trip! HA! At least you get to pick the spot to be pierced!! :)

Unknown said...

Love the blog idea. Not too sure about the body piercing though. haha. We're all here for you.

We love you!
Karen and Jeremy

Unknown said...

We had your light-up heart shining out from our picture window around Valentine's Day. We had your light-up Shamrock gleaming out our picture window around St. Patrick's Day. Then we had your two cute light-up bunnies glowing from two different windows around Easter. We love you and think of you often.

All of our thoughts and prayers,

Mark & Sharon

Blessed&Content said...

Hey Nancy,

I for one am glad that you have put together this blog. . . I will be checking it often. And praying for you each day as I go to Our Father. Sister, you are an encouragement to me always. I hope that I can be a portion of that for you. Body piercing? A nose-ring perhaps? I'll join the group! I wish I could be there for you to take to an appointment, cry or laugh with you, to hug you. Praise God that the anchor still holds. . .Keep believing!

Jeannemarie said...

Hey Nancy,

I was just reading Oswald Chambers and it seems appropriate to pass along... "God will take us through an ordeal which will bring us out into a better knowledge of Himself." He is always amazing me with His unrelenting love for us. You are in my prayers.

MBZ said...

Just give the boys some Sharpies and have the family do a "tattoo" session :)

I'm glad that, of all days, I chose yesterday to drop you a "hey, what's up?" email after more than a year. You're right--there are no coincidences. I'll be reading the blog faithfully.

Melanie in Amherst

ellen cushing said...

Hi Nancy, It is always so good to hear from you, or to see you; thanks for keeping in touch, we all love you. You are such a sunny person! I will keep you in my prayers and hope for the best for you and your family. Love,Ellen

Mass.Sister said...

We have been praying for you. You, Jay and the boys are never far from our thoughts! What a comfort the Lord has been to you--sending you answers to prayer when you need them the most. You're not alone in all of this--your siblings in Christ are holding you up in prayer. Love to all of you. Judy

Paula said...

Using the blog is a great way to keep us all in touch. You are an inspiration and I know God has even greater things in store for you. (By the way, try the movie "RV" next time if you haven't already seen it and it doesn't hurt you to laugh!)

Love you - Paula

Gwen C. said...

Happy belated mothers day to you! I love your Mother's day picture! You know what - we went to an Italian Buffet on Mother's day too - Cinzetti's. Is that where you went? Let your mom know I said "hi". Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
P.S. - Your new home looks beautiful! Let me know if you need help packing.
Blessings - Gwen Costa