Here's our new house as of 4 PM today. We'll be out of our rental by June 15. There is more than enough room for guests!! If you're in the Denver area, please come see us. Cheap rates...good friends & family, good conversation...that's all you'll owe.
I took my hair down to a zero. The #2 was poking me and quite uncomfortable. And it's coming out all over. Clogging up the tub drain, falling all over my neck and clothes. Nathan told me this morning, "Oh weird, you have an island on your head." Falling out in clumps, remember? It does look sort of like an island. I went on-line today to see if I could speed up the hair loss. The only thing I found was info on trying to stop the hair loss. All the angst over losing your hair--hair loss should be the least of anyone's worries. And then there's the wigs. I think that a man designed them because the inside is made out of the most scratchy material. In fact, panty hose might actually be more comfortable. Anyway, I hope that once my hair is gone, the wigs will be a bit more comfortable. Or I'll get some sort of cap to wear under them.
That's about it--anything else you'd like to know?
Good Morning Sister,
What a most beautiful house. I say go for the bandanna. Get a couple extra ear piercing too? Body piercing saved our lives! Love that t-shirt. Have you seen it? A pink bandanna or a cool one with crosses. . . what do you think? Not your thing? Try it at the house and see. I love the look all the time. I think the look speaks of "strong and courageous" which is YOU! Love you!!
Cheap rates!!?? I can afford that! And we all know I can uphold the conversation part! Heeheee....
Wish I was in Denver to help you move. Your new house is BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see it in person. Dare I ask how the closing went?
Anyway, love you!
Beautiful house! Looking forward to seeing it in person. It looks very roomy - how much Ruby stuff can I send to fill it up?
I have been told by a cancer patient that the stretchy knit caps are much more comfortable, especially in the warmer months.
Keeping watching for those God winks. You seem to be getting winked at a lot. Love and prayers!
It was wonderful to hear your voice. I can't wait to spend some time with you in the new digs. You must be relieved to get the house closing done.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow - wish I could be there. Make sure your mom gets herself healthy so she can take care of you. I'm sending one big hug to the Ruby/Weiser/Swogger family. I love you all.
I am praying for you!
The house looks GREAT! I've been interested in visiting the west of the USA... Moving in a month--what fun, NOT. I bet it will be nice to have a house, though.
Don't have any pearls of wisdom on the hair/no hair issue. Your strength & perserverence is an inspiration.
Hey Nancy - Yea for pix!! Good to see them on your site. Love the hair shots - I really like that wig on you! Good color and cut. How fun! And, your new house is very nice! Praying for you this morning....
Love & Hugs - Tina
I had to laugh today, thinking about you. I saw Dr. Lee and I had HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!!! That silly cuff squeezing my arm. Now I understand your issue. I think I was a little anxious at my appointment thinking about my dear, sweet Nancy having her second treatment. Hope all went well.
Love you,
Love the house, glad it has lots of room. Will come in handy on our trip next year ;-)
Like the hair too, but know it will take getting used to. My mother used to say: "you would get used to hanging if you hang long enough" Never was real sure what she meant!
Like the Blog too.
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