Tuesday, May 29, 2007
We're in
Our phone is the same. I'll send the address by mail. I won't be back on-line until Friday or Saturday. I'm using the seller's access because they didn't disconnect. (We got permission from the phone company.) It's not for Jay's lack of trying. He's spent hours on the phone trying to get our phone transferred.
Next weekend we'll post some pictures. Love ya! nancy
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The rest of the week
This time around I have what's officially called "chemo-brain." It's hard to describe. I was warned that it may happen-not by the doctor but by Stacy, Nate's teacher. I've been more out of it. I forgot the directions to a store. I had/have trouble processing what people were telling me. They'd be talking and I'd still be on the first part of the first sentence. It does seem to be passing. The doc said that if I got more rest it should be better, that it was related to tiredness. It seems more than tiredness.
Tuesday we got the carpets cleaned at the new house. I watched those Alfred Hitchcock movies I was going to watch during a treatment. Well, they were the worst. I couldn't even follow them. (Another chemo-brain thing.) I thought a good mystery could occupy me. The only way I knew what was going on was because I read the blurb on the box. They were the only ones we had to watch for three hours while the carpets were done.
Yesterday I had to go see the doc. I thought I had thrush. Remember? It's what babies get. I can get it because my immune system is depressed. I got a culture so we'll se if it really is or not. Or it could just be a change in my mouth from the chemo. Side effects...
On the way home, we found a great meat market/deli called Fred's Meats and a fruit & vegetable store. It's on Holly between Parker Rd. and First for those of you in town. We bought a couple salads, dips and cheese. There was fresh bread. We also got to sample some salads. Which I'm sure made us buy them.
I'll be putting more pics on in a few days. Here's something to tickle your funny bone--I was rubbing my mostly bald head without my hat on and Nate says, "You look like a motorcycle rider without hair. You should have tattoos to go along with your bike." Again with the tattoos! And what bike exactly?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happy Monday Morning
Jay took boxes over to the new house all weekend. Nathan and Aaron packed boxes. Mom was feeling better , too. I slept through most of the weekend. While I was awake, we went to look at some furniture for Nate. Jay and I would also like a matching bedroom set. Haven't had one in years.
Thanks for all the prayers and hugs. Let me know if you want more info about anything. Or If I've given too much info. love, nancy
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Day 2 done
Otherwise, nothing to report. It went as smoothly as the first day. I've been able to eat tonight again. I'm so glad for these chemo drugs and these nausea meds that they all work. Some of the chemo meds are so potent that the nausea meds don't always work.
Halfway. Oh, I had the same private room. No movies because we talked the whole time. Talk to you soon, love, nancy
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
New house and hair dilemma revisited

Here's our new house as of 4 PM today. We'll be out of our rental by June 15. There is more than enough room for guests!! If you're in the Denver area, please come see us. Cheap rates...good friends & family, good conversation...that's all you'll owe.
I took my hair down to a zero. The #2 was poking me and quite uncomfortable. And it's coming out all over. Clogging up the tub drain, falling all over my neck and clothes. Nathan told me this morning, "Oh weird, you have an island on your head." Falling out in clumps, remember? It does look sort of like an island. I went on-line today to see if I could speed up the hair loss. The only thing I found was info on trying to stop the hair loss. All the angst over losing your hair--hair loss should be the least of anyone's worries. And then there's the wigs. I think that a man designed them because the inside is made out of the most scratchy material. In fact, panty hose might actually be more comfortable. Anyway, I hope that once my hair is gone, the wigs will be a bit more comfortable. Or I'll get some sort of cap to wear under them.
That's about it--anything else you'd like to know?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day

Friday, May 11, 2007
The hair dilemma
My hair is starting to go. It's not falling out but I can pull it right out. Like a dozen little hairs at one time. It doesn't feel like anything. I'm so glad I cut it last week. I think pulling out a dozen long strands would be too much. OK, so pulling out little hairs is weird too. This morning, my scalp felt like I had a pony tail in too tight and had just taken the elastic out. You girls know how that feels.
How am I feeling? Sort of how it was after the babies were born. I'll be doing something and all of a sudden it's time to quit and rest. I do seem to bounce back faster now. Sleeping is still an issue. I get about halfway through the night and wake up. I can't bring myself to take the very expensive sleeping pills. Oh I have them. There's also the problem of the side effects-the sleep-eating, sleep-cooking and sleep-driving. When I mentioned those, the doc said that those are rare side-effects. We'll see.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The haircut
Did you see Ted Koppel's show on Discovery, Living With Cancer? It was enlightening. Try to catch it. They'll be airing it again. Here's a link: http://health.discovery.com/centers/cancer/cancer-collage/cancer-collage.html I haven't seen the collage because it's just a little too close for me to look at them now. But it reminded me that I've had this feeling of being BREAST CANCER who's name is nancy. I am still Nancy who happens to have a crappy disease that is quite curable for me. Again-no cancer in my lymph nodes is huge.
Back to the hair. Sleeping was different. Saturday morning, I decided I wasn't leaving the house at all. Do I really need to go anywhere, ever? By the afternoon, we decided to go get some pizza and go to the store. It wasn't so bad. But some people stare. Some ignore me pointedly. It's like, don't think of pink elephants but that's all you can think of. Every man thinks, "That could be my wife-sister-mom" and every woman thinks, "That could be me." Ted Koppel put it so well, "Life is terminal. We will all die some day." Another truth is that we all have something that we need to deal with, this cancer is my something.
Are you trying to picture me with a boy haircut? I'm working on some pictures. Just stay tuned...
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Thursday; May 3
My new hair came yesterday. The old hair goes tomorrow. I just can't wait around for it to fall out in clumps. I decided to go a bit on the red side, reddish brown. It's nice not to see all those gray hairs that stick straight up... And it really looks like my cut. Although with all this wind here, I may be the woman running after a small furry thing!
Again, I don't mind if you call, but I may not be able to get back to you soon. I will do my best. And if you can't wait, call again. You're not going to bother me. It's just that all the rules have changed.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
One year in Denver for Jay
Happy May Day!
What do you want to know? I have a huge bruise on my arm where the port went in. It's my favorite shade of purple. I didn't take anything for nausea today. And I could still eat. Is this the stuff you want to know?
Nate is in the climbing club. His school has a climbing wall in their gym. He's doing well in school. We're still hopeful that he'll get into the magnet school that Aaron got into for next year. They will look at the roster in June and again in August so he may be chosen. Another God sighting--the school that Nate will go to at our new house was on an all-year round schedule. I was wondering how I could balance two kids with two totally different schedules. It turns out that both boys will be on the exact same schedule. The new school has switched to a traditional schedule like the magnet school.
Thanks for the movie suggestions. No thanks for the tattoo suggestions. Funny, all of you. Lots of love, nancy